You are here: Customers > Mag Card Printing

Mag Card Printing

Once a compatible Mag Card Printer has been installed and configured through Global Options (Back Office > Setup > Global Options > Other Options > Mag Card Printing), you will be able to print customer cards directly from the Idealpos database.


Go to File > Customers > Customers > Highlight the customer you want to print > press the ‘Mag Print’ button.



The customer must have a scan code saved to their account.



If you have not installed the drivers for the printer correctly you will be see the following message:



If the printer is turned off or not connected you will not be able to print any cards.



If the printer has been installed correctly and is turned on, the Customer will be printed on the card.


The current format we are using must be measured to correctly place the information you want to display after the headings.

If there is no Expiry date (uses the 2nd Date in Customer records) it will not print.

Below are the approximate measurements of where the text that is output from Idealpos will print.



Customer Code = Member No

Customer Name = Member Name

Customer Type = Type

2nd Date = Expiry